Using Newsletters to Grow Your Business

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Perhaps the most simple but most cost-effective way of building customer relations and maintaining frequent contact with your customers is through newsletters. Newsletters contain relevant news and updates and other significant information that will benefit the customer in some way. Newsletters have now become a crucial factor for successful brand marketing. Below, we’ll take a look at a basic overview of how to utilize newsletters to benefit your business.

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Define Your Goal

Specifying your goal when it comes to newsletters allows you to plan accordingly. You need to ask yourself what you want to achieve with your newsletters. Is it to increase sales or brand awareness? Get feedback, reviews, or referrals? Your goal doesn’t have to be singular, as you may have more than one goal you want to achieve. For example, you can advertise your products while also educating consumers about your business and what you stand for.

Bringing Awareness to Your Business

Frequent newsletters can assist in building a trustworthy brand image while increasing awareness. The reader or potential customer would be enticed to find out more about the operations of an organization or business if something was offered to them in return. For example, a great addition to every newsletter is a call to action (CTA).

A CTA is a statement, comment, or link that generates an immediate sense of urgency – whether you’re offering a new deal or promotion that inspires your readers to act. This may also include asking customers to do a survey regarding business feedback and how to improve your services. On top of this, newsletters with images and videos perform better than those with text-only foundations. It’s important to select an attractive template that incorporates strong visuals into your newsletter while showcasing a visible button link to the page you want your customers to land on. You should also include your social media links in your newsletter emails.

Newsletter Performance

Overwhelming your audience with newsletters will reflect poorly on your clicks and conversions. However, consumers enjoy receiving emails from brands they like – therefore, the best frequency for a newsletter to be sent out is at least three times a month for optimal benefit. To round down to a weekly basis, a solid approach would be to send out a minimum of one newsletter per week.

Newsletter performance can be tracked by the percentage of subscribers that have or have not received your email (deliverability and bounce rate), the number of subscribers that clicked through to your website, and the percentage of people who subscribed or unsubscribed from your email list. By measuring these newsletter analytics, you will know how to best reassess your newsletter’s content, re-strategize, and re-edit your emails – in order to ensure your subscribers are taking the actions you expect to see.


Newsletters allow you to showcase your expertise and professionalism in your industry while advertising directly to your target demographic. The key thing to take away here is; that content that provides valuable information to customers and clients can establish you as an industry leader and develop an edge over your competitors. With all this knowledge in hand and your email marketing goals clearly defined, you’ll see the conversions you set out to receive.