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3 Redefining eCommerce Trends

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In today’s climate, there’s no shortage of new technological innovations. Many of these innovations can be used to benefit businesses across the globe, especially online stores. As technology continues to improve, e-commerce evolves with it, and companies can utilize these improvements to the benefit of their online business operations.

Let’s take a look at some of these innovations and how you can use them to improve your e-commerce store.

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Mobile Commerce

Mobile commerce is becoming the norm when shopping online. More consumers are ditching shopping via desktop or laptop as they have all the handheld convenience they need with their smartphone devices. By 2025, mobile commerce sales are expected to account for 44.2% of all e-commerce sales in the United States and are projected to take over as the prime method of online browsing and shopping worldwide.

Innovations like mobile banking and mobile payments allow consumers easy and convenient payment methods. As consumers also spend more time on mobile devices, they tend to purchase more from their handheld devices than any other source.

Optimizing your e-commerce website for mobile-friendly shopping will prove to be an advantage to your business as you’ll be able to offer your customers simple navigation and one-click checkouts – meaning more sales and returning customers. It’s also crucial to add more payment options to your store such as digital wallet payments (such as Apple Pay and Google Pay).

Live-Chat Functions with A.I

Now more than ever, live chat for customer support is in demand. Customers desire quick, personalized support and because of this, A.I live chat is becoming more prominent.

With A.I powered chatbots, you’ll be able to handle multiple conversations at once without needing a human operator to be present all the time. Chatbots also have the ability to operate across multiple channels, including online storefront management, SMS (text messages), or third-party platforms like Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp.

The more efficient and reliable A.I-powered live chat technologies have the capabilities of giving customers 24/7 access to customer support with quick automated answers or placing complicated questions directly to a human representative.

Livestream Shopping

What exactly is live stream shopping? Livestream shopping is used by brands to promote and sell their products through live streaming events on digital platforms such as TikTok and Instagram and is carried out (usually) by a paid social media influencer. The goal here is to provide a quick and interactive experience for the audience viewing the live stream in order to get them interested in the showcased product or service.

Online videos are only increasing in popular consumption and are projected to make up more than 82% of total online traffic.

Live stream shopping is a method used by China and has proven to promote staggering numbers as live-stream shopping in China is projected to reach $480 billion in 2022, and the rest of the world is beginning to catch on to this effective and cost-efficient form of advertising.


Now that you know the 3 major trends that we can see becoming more prominent in the near future, you can get an edge over your competitors by implementing these technologies into your online store. Not only will you have better efficiency when dealing with customer inquiries and questions, but you’ll have your store ready for mobile device usage.

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