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5 Simple Global Blogs to Help Grow Your Business

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Inquire Fulfillment Services
5 simple global blogs to help grow your business simple global

In this article, we’ll cover some of our best blogs from 2023 that will guide you with tips on how to grow your e-commerce brand. These articles range from order fulfillment and distribution, front-end optimization, and trends for the future of the industry.

Let’s get started!

3 Services to Improve the Post-Purchase Experience

This article showcases some of the ways you can improve your post-purchase experience for your customers by adding value-added services: read more.

“When operating an online store, it’s easy to only focus on the purchase funnel and crafting it for better conversions. Though this is a major factor to generate checkout purchases, another crucial piece of the customer journey is the post-purchase experience. As the initial purchase leads to an increase in sales, a truly great post-purchase customer experience can lead to customer trust and loyalty; this means returning customers in a competitive market.”

Understanding European VAT Rates

Carrying our business in Europe could prove to be complex if you don’t have a basic understanding of how businesses operate in Europe, and the VAT rates that come with it. In this article, we’ll cover the essential things you need to know for success in the European market: read more.

“A “VAT” or “value-added tax” is a consumption tax on goods and services that is assessed and analyzed at each individual stage of the supply chain where value is added. For example, each stage of production, from the initial creation and assembly of a product to the point of sale can be taxed. The amount of VAT the user pays is based on the cost of the product minus any costs of materials in the product that have already been taxed at a previous stage.”

Technology and its Impact on the Logistics Industry

Technology constantly changes. This allows e-commerce and logistics businesses to experiment with new methods in order to simplify and streamline their operations: read more.

“The flow of goods from manufacturers, merchants, or wholesalers is consistently being modified due to modern-day advancements, and the e-commerce and logistics industry has been impacted by the switch from manual to automated technology.”

How to Improve Supply Chain Performance

In this article, we discuss how to effectively streamline your supply chain operations and how to deal with unexpected manufacturing delays and inaccuracies: read more.

“Each aspect is crucial – all the more reason why proper supply chain management is vital for the efficiently functioning operations of an e-commerce business.”

Top 5 eCommerce Trends for 2023 and Beyond

In this article, we cover the 5 e-commerce trends that will inevitably define the future of the industry’s development – allowing you to get an advantage over the competition: read more.

“The e-commerce industry is always evolving; countless new stores and business ideas seem to appear every day. Global e-commerce revenues hit $4.9 trillion in 2021. This number is forecasted to increase by 50% over the next few years – hitting $7.4 trillion by 2025/2026.”


With helpful blogs at your disposal, you’ll be able to position your e-commerce business for success. This comes with knowing future trends and methods on how to streamline the order fulfillment process – resulting in efficient supply chain management.

Partnering with Simple Global takes the tedious and stressful tasks of order fulfillment off your hands, while allowing you to grow and scale your business on a global level. You’ll be equipped with an advanced warehouse management system and have full visibility into all your operational activity. Ready to take your brand to new heights?

Click here for a free quote!

Inquire Fulfillment Services